this is my
ux portfolio

come on in


User centric

A designer’s sense of style and awareness of trends is key to developing brand and strategy. Through effective visual communication, we are able to inject flare into the otherwise mundane allowing a product or services to stand out from their competitors. Our near fanatical appreciation for type allows us to convey essence through letterform alone.

But as we are not mind readers, we can’t expect to know what’s best for the customer without asking. By eliminating the guesswork element in design, UX is vital to the development of relevant design solutions. Maintaining a user centric design strategy elevates end users to insure that solutions address their actual needs, rather than relying too heavily on my gut. To add UX to my designers toolbox, I have completed a master’s degree in digital experience design at Hyper Island.

01 awear


02 hey neighbor


03 inclucity


Unleash the beast

These case studies presented are the result of 3-5 week projects conducted with real clients within government, sports, education and fashion, as a requirement of a masters degree in UX at Hyper Island. Special thanks to our clients: PVH, Keep Manchester Tidy and Manchester City Football Club for trusting us to develop user centric solutions. Big love to our fearless crew leaders Katherine, Rob, and Tash who supported us during this challenging time. And of course, a big shout out to all my HI peers.