i’m eli


so who is this guy?


ever curious

Discovery is central to my practice. Having been blessed/cursed with raging curiosity leads me to push the envelope and question convention. As a designer, teacher, manager and entrepreneur, I tap a wide range of experience amassed from a decidedly non-linear career path. While a diverse skill set is harder to categorize, breadth is particularly useful when facing uncertainty. Having a broad foundation greatly supports the adventure of running a business, which regularly calls for the willingness to experiment as well as the need to wear many hats.

looking back

To fully understand how I landed where I am, I will trace all the way back to my earliest career aspirations. This story begins at university, with an ill suited degree in economics. Understanding supply and demand has been useful from time to time in my adult life, but as a profession, it lacked the creativity I needed. To enter the more dynamic field of media, I got in at the very bottom, pounding the pavement of New York City as an advertising rep. It was here that I grew balls, as I developed the confidence necessary to overcome adversity. Few survive this cut-throat environment, but I thrived by learning the value of perseverance. Moving up the ranks, I led regional sales in Portland, and managed a sales team in Philadelphia. The problem I faced with climbing the career ladder is that these advances distanced me from the creative aspects of advertising that had drawn me to this industry. Discovering that my passion was in designing ads, I retooled to begin a new career in graphic design. Freelancing gave me the freedom to shuttle between the East Coast where I worked for several respected national publications, to the West Coast where the movie industry was my bread and butter. As the senior designer at a boutique agency in Austin, the work was rewarding, but opportunities for advancement were limited. Trcognizing that the route to financial independence was to own my own business. I identified real estate where my design sensibilities helped me identify overlooked (run-down) properties with potential. While I lacked formal training, designing interiors felt like a natural extension of visual design. I relished the opportunity to step away from my computer work in 3 dimensions, as well as the seemingly endless variety of materials and textures to work with. As I initially did much of the work myself, I rapidly developed decent construction skills, but to take on multiple projects, I needed to assume the role of general contracto , What began as a side-hustle evolved into a full-time property management comp[any. Once I worked out the kinks, I shifted to running the business virtually, allowing me the ability to fulfill a lifelong dream to live and work where I please. I relocated to the craziest place I could think of, Vietnam, where I discovered my affinity for teaching students of all ages.

Currently home is in beautiful Sweden, but I am always open for my next adventure.

user centric

UX is a natural extension of my background in visual communication and meshes surprisingly well with my business practices, in which I have adopted a user centric mindset. To gain proper credentials, I completed a master’s degree (with honors) in Digital Experience Design at the prestigious Hyper Island in Manchester, England. As a proponent of lifelong learning, I have reinvented myself several times, writing a thesis is no walk in the park, so you have to want this badly! The case studies showcased within this portfolio illustrate my understanding of UX principles and practices. For the organization that recognizes the value of diversity in background and experience, I might just be your man. And as a dual citizen, my creative juices flow both in the EU and US.

bold & sticky

How my peers at Hyper Island described me: “Never have we met anyone who embodies the “Just do it” mantra more. Eli has a natural curiosity that drives him to explore the world, its secrets and beings. With a critical mind, he seeks to develop ideas by questioning and pushing back on the status quo, always striving to create bold and sticky ideas. Questioning is part of his nature and he doesn’t hesitate to figure out the answers to the questions asked. Moreover, he understands the value of revisiting the base before setting out to build something new.  Eli is always happy to share his experiences and knowledge as he recognizes the value of supporting his community and tribe. While maintaining a pragmatic approach, he will give you time if you need it, shows care and offers all the advice in the world”


My unique selling point is being scrappy. Not only am I able to produce a surprising amount with limited resources, but I am open to devising creative and possibly unorthodox means to gain access to what is needed.